Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First day of Insanity

Well, the first day of doing the Insanity program is over and the results are in. I am actually very impressed with the number of immediate and extended family member that have decided to participate. It is exciting to see the family working together in a common goal to live healthier lives. Today was no easy task as we took the fitness test so that we can all see where we stand and have a starting point to measure our progress. I must admit that by the end of the test it took some real pushing to keep going. There is sure to be some aching tomorrow:) Just a few safety reminders for everyone:
1. Stay hydrated.
2. Push yourself only to a limit you can safely achieve.
3. Be sure to keep your form during the exercises. Best to have someone watch if you are not sure.
4. If you feel light headed sit down and REST.
5. Have fun!

Remember that we are not in a competition with anyone but ourselves. Don't try to outdo one another but give words of encouragement to help each other compete with themselves. Lets stay positive, this first week will be rough.


  1. Im excited to start! hope my package gets here soon!

  2. oh boy - a little sore today and couldn't do as many as I wanted yesterday but excited !!

  3. I would say i should probably work out more because man was I tired!
